Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Skin79 is the only Korea Cosmetic Company certified by ISO9001 international quality control standard. The company products are approved by KFDA and safe to use.


What is BB Cream?
In recent years, South Korea had set off the waves of nude makeup.
BB stands for Blemish Balm and it was developed for the purpose of protection, soothing and restoring skin so sensitive to deny any application of cosmetics because of its thinness and smarting.
Going out after thinning skin makes ultra-violet ray irritate it thus this product contains make-up base and foundation function too to interdict ultra-violet ray and to eliminate need of other toning make-up.
B.B霜是Blemish Balm的简称,这个东西其实是用在医学美容上的,说简单一点,就是"伤痕保养霜",当初的研发就是为了提供给雷射治疗的人来使用,一般人雷射后会出现剥皮或脱皮的状态,因此涂抹之后,会让皮肤再生,不只修饰伤疤,更有保养的功能......

BB Cream可以作为日霜、隔离霜、修饰霜使用。 只要使用薄薄一层就可以达到保养及修饰的效果,不需要涂上厚重的粉底,轻薄透气,肤色明亮!

Super+ Pink Bleblesh Balm Triple Function SPF 25 PA++ 5g

Super+ Gold Bleblesh Balm SPF25 PA++ 5g

Pink Label Super+ BB Triple Functions BB Cream SPF 25++ 40g


功效: (Function)
防皱 -Anti Wrinkles
美白 - Whitening
紫外线阻挡 - UV Protect, SPF25++
基础化妆 - Makeup base
粉底 -Foundation
皮质管理 - correct your irregularly different skin tones naturally
皮肤保护 - protect skin from various harmful conditions
弹力恢复 - elastic skin
营养 - skin moisturizing and soothing
保湿 - hydating

适合于25岁以前的女性使用.( Suitable for age 25 and below)

Gold Label Super+ Gold Beblesh Balm Triple Function SPF25 PA++ 40g

功效: (Function)
清爽保湿配方- 适合混合性至干性皮膚使用 -suitable for combination to dry skin
控油防汗(特別适合我国潮湿天气使用) - control oil
加强保湿功能,加強抗皱、美白功能 - hydrate, anti-winkle, whitening
含豐富魚子精華, 皮膚恢復彈性 - elastic skin
紫外线阻挡 - UV Protect, SPF25++
基础化妆 - Makeup base
粉底 -Foundation
皮质管理 - correct your irregularly different skin tones naturally
皮肤保护 - protect skin from various harmful conditions

适合于25岁以后的女性使用.( Suitable for age 25 and above)

Lovely Girl 少女专用 (43.5g)



功效: (Function)
皮质管理 - correct your irregularly different skin tones naturally
皮肤保护 - protect skin from various harmful conditions
能有效控油,长时间保持皮肤整洁 - oil control
遮盖面部瑕疵,使皮肤美丽有光泽 - conceals skin flaws and trouble areas

使用12-22岁.或皮肤油脂分泌旺盛,痘痘肌适用 - suitable for age 12-22, oily skin, acne skin
针对少女/少男肌肤问题所推出的BB Cream(12~22岁),主要功效为抑制皮脂,遮瑕与水分供给。豆豆肌适用! *遮瑕力佳*

Dream Girl SPF30 PA++(43.5g)

功效: (Function)
紫外线阻挡 - UV Protect, SPF30 PA++
皮肤保护 - care trouble and protect skin
皮质管理 - skin tone,makes the skin look more beautiful
遮盖面部瑕疵,使皮肤美丽有光泽 - conceals skin flaws and trouble areas

使用12-22岁.或皮肤油脂分泌旺盛,痘痘肌适用 - suitable for age 12-22, oily skin, acne skin

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Pink Label Super+ BB Triple Functions BB Cream SPF 25++ 40g how much? Email me.